Many people believe that long distance relationships are never going to work out. Your family may discourage it, and some of your best friends may advise you not to take it too seriously, in case you get your heart broken. Nobody says it is going to be easy ,the extra distance makes many things unachievable. Things could get complicated, and you could get sad and lonely at times. However, the extra distance also makes the simplest things the sweetest, being able to hold the other person’s hand, eating together at the same table, feeling each other’s touch, taking a walk together, smelling each other’s hair… these small wishes could suddenly mean so much more in a long distance relationship.
Maintaining a relationship takes hard work and dedication from both parties but when they are hundreds or thousands of miles apart, keeping a romance going becomes even more difficult.
Here are some tips you should make use of:
Communication is the key to every successful relationship. Greet each other “good morning” and “good night” every day — this is a must. On top of that, try to update your partner on your life and its happening.
So simple, yet so true. How often you talk is up to you. My boyfriend and I talk everyday, pretty much all day until one of us goes to bed. We generally Skype once every 2 weeks or so. We never explicitly stated that we must talk everyday and Skype every other weekend; it developed naturally. We simply enjoy filling each other in on our day and anything exciting or stressful we have coming
up. Communicating as often as we do helps build the closeness that each of us needs.
Trust each other
There are moments of jealousy and
insecurity in even the most secure
relationships. However, every perceived slight or twinge of envy will be magnified in a long-distance relationship. The last things you want to do while you’re apart is spend your time obsessively checking his Facebook page or fretting about what
he’s doing if he doesn’t respond to your texts quickly enough. If you don’t trust your partner or know you have jealous tendencies, you might want to reconsider if a LDR is really right for you.
Make time to see
Visits are the highlight of every long
distance relationship. After all the
waiting and yearning and abstinence,
you finally get to meet each other to
fulfill all the little things like kissing,
holding hands, etc. which are all
common to other couples but so very
special and extra intimate for people
in long distance relationships. It will
be like fireworks, confetti, rainbows and butterflies everywhere.
Talk dirty with each other
Sexual tension is undoubtedly one of the most important things between
couples. Sexual desire is like a glue
that keeps both parties from drifting
apart. Not only is sex a biological
need, it is an emotional one as well.
Keep the flames burning by sending
each other teasing texts filled with
sexual innuendos and provocative
descriptions. Sexy puns work pretty
well too.
Send photos and short videos often
There are even smartphone apps that allow long-distance couples to share photos, videos, send voice messages, and more. Taking photos throughout your day, and sending
them instantly is a quick and easy way to share your daily experiences. It also adds to the transparency of your daily life, which is a key factor in keeping trust alive.
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